During the 2016 presidential primaries, former Florida governor Jeb Bush was mocked by one of his more animated opponents for being far too low energy. Isn't it funny how we can just look across at someone and immediately recognize some feature about them that stands out. In this case - to many debate observers - Jeb Bush came across as very sedate, reserved and largely introverted (certainly not exuberant and excited), as compared to some other primary candidates. At times, he seemed (excuse the pun) "bushwhacked" by other candidates with quicker whit jabbing away at him with zingers and counter-punches.
High Energy Comes in Different Shades
Not all high energy people look and act exactly the same. Some may exhibit a strong physicality and display a great deal of "fitness;" while others come across as having strong outgoing personas, forceful minds and high endurance. They seem to power the whole room with their presence and exude a great deal of positive energy with every statement they make and action they take. Others feed off of high energy people and want to be around them more than slackers, "Debbie Downers" or those simply going through the motions - each day - without displaying one ounce of passion.
Amusement Park Ride Operators Always Seemed So Detached and Disinterested
I remember as a child, the ride operators at amusements parks. I thought of most of them as very sad clowns. Their faces often showed total boredom and disinterest in their jobs and they often seemed unfazed and disconnected from the joy being experienced by excited riders, young and older. So much fun being met with so much lack of emotion seemed so contrary to what might be expected in an entertainment environment.
When I ran a boardwalk water gun game as a teen on the Asbury Park Boardwalk (NJ), I was just as excited for my game contestants as they were during each game. I hooted and howled and encouraged them to win. I was so happy to be part of their fun and enjoyment and it obviously showed. The more joyful they saw me, the more games they wanted to play and the more money they would spend playing.
My youthful high energy level carried into and throughout my entire adult, professional life. I'm now 60 and I doubt I will ever change. In fact, I may be even more high energy today than I was in those earlier years. Why? Because I love who I am; love what I have; and love what I do. And, I love people and am thrilled to be part of their joy, excitement and love for life.
Even after Esophageal Cancer surgery back in 2005, I was the patient the nurses preferred to wheel around the floor to talk to others, who already considered themselves goners. They called me the "Mayor," because I brought smiles to so many faces and hope to my fellow cancer patients when telling them that their disease was beatable and life could still be good AFTER cancer. As tired as my surgically-scarred, chemo- ravaged and blood-shorted body was, I still emoted to others with high energy and it brought hope and smiles to everyone around me.
They say "laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone." There is so much truth to that. It speaks just as much to having a positive attitude rather than a negative one and a high energy personality rather than that of a mope. People just prefer being around others who lift them up and make them feel good.
High energy is contagious, too. In the workplace, it is even more desired by employers, because high-energy coupled with overall competence is a wining formula for success.
To Exhibit High Energy, You Must First Be High Energy
To exude high energy, you must first be a high energy type. Not everyone is. You must be passionate about things that matter to the people around you. If you don't enjoy playing golf, chances are you will not be as strong a golf club salesperson as someone who does. And, if you love golf and sell those golf clubs, you are probably someone who can easily let his or her excitement about it show through. Guarded people have much difficulty letting go and showing their innermost joy to others.
It's no sin to be reserved and more controlled than others. Some people are much too high energy and blow back those that are more introverted and have a more difficult time trying to process the waves of incoming personal energy coming right at them. This can be a problem, too. There ARE business roles for lower energy people (often introverts), where they find themselves in "back office jobs" not requiring much personal contact with others. But, let's not forget that most employers still expect some degree of high energy from every employee, especially when it comes to worker productivity.
When it comes to measuring your own energy level or accepting criticism from other regarding what they see from you, just remember the following: If you move at a snail's pace, you get much less accomplished than a race horse already in the winner's circle.Strive to be that race horse as much as you can.
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Author Bio: Marc LeVine is currently employed by Edgewood Properties as its full-time corporate recruiting specialist; charged with building an employment function from the bottom up, staffing the company and developing and administering full-cycle employment policies and procedures.
In collaboration with corporate marketing and internal systems, Marc functions as architect of an employment branding strategy designed to establish an employee value proposition message fashioned to attract, reward and retain talent.
A highly sought after Digital Strategist for e-Recruiting, Writer, Speaker & Social Media Consultant & Trainer, Marc has a diversified background in BOTH B2C and B2B Social Media initiatives, Marc uniquely bridges Recruiting Strategy,Targeted Objectives and ROI with Social Media, Recruiting & Staffing, Digital Media, Public Relations and Traditional Marketing Initiatives.
Mr. LeVine is also a respected thought-leader, whose popular Social Media Blog has caught the attention of many major trade publications interested in publishing his insightful works.Mr. LeVine is a proud graduate of Syracuse University and previously served as Director of Social Media Marketing for RiaEnjolie, a division of InfoPro Worldwide, Director of Human Resources for New Jersey Press, the former operator of Asbury Park Press, Home News and Tribune and NJ101.5, as well as General Manager for Brickforce Staffing.
Specialties:RECRUITING/STAFFING* e-Recruiting & "Employer of Choice" Strategies
You may reach Marc at 732-985-1900 x1140 or by email at mlevine@edgewoodproperties.com.
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